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Help us to empower communities

Invest in people by supporting us!

  • How can I donate?

    You can make a difference by donating money to specific projects or to a community in total. Sometime we need products that we deliver to the community, but where possible we want to purchase everything local. 

    You can donate directly through the website or by contacting us for other options.

  • What kind of donations do you accept?

    We accept financial donations as well as time. We love to bring you in contact with the local people of the particular community. When you partner with us even for a small amount or for a small period you get to know the people who will direct benefit from your support.

  • Can I donate my time?

    You can donate your time where you have special expertise and experience that will contribute to the growth of the community. You can contact us if you have specific questions or want more information.

  • Is it possible to get a tax deduction for my donation?

    We are in the process of getting the ANBI-status for the foundation, that means that your donations in all countries where the Netherlands have an agreement with are tax deductable.

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